Monday, March 7, 2011

Available Now!

It is awesome when I get a play-by-play from a reader reading my book. I woke up to that this morning and loved it!

Available today! 


  1. Just finished - Most excellent!!

  2. Oh boy, this one was not what I expected it to be. So many twists and turns, but why must it be so captivating? I cannot believe I finished it, now what must I do? Ty and Demetrius will forever be embedded in my heart, they are two of a kind, although I did feel bad for Tim at some point for having to deal with the noises at night between T and D's lovemaking. But altogether, this is a wonderful story, warms my heart to the fullest and beyond. Haley, you are one wonderfullest(not an actual word I suppose?) and most talented writer I've ever read, please keep up the good work! More of your books will be on my shelf soon.

    - One of your very well pleased reader

    1. This was absolutely lovely to hear. Thank you for letting me know. It's always a highlight in an author's day to receive positive feedback. I'm so pleased you enjoyed Ty and Dem's story! :) Thank you!!


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